When businesses need to make payments to consumers, there can be inconveniences on both sides of the transaction. Inefficiencies with traditional payment methods, such as wasted time and unnecessary costs, cause frustration for both payors and payees.
Setting up systems to deliver payments for things such as incentives and rewards, rebates, insurance claims, legal settlements or health care patient refunds can create managerial headaches and expenses. Manual payments must be generated, tracked and…
There’s a fast and easy way to make B2C payments no matter what industry you’re in
When businesses need to make payments to consumers, there can be inconveniences on both sides of the transaction. Inefficiencies with traditional payment methods, such as wasted time and unnecessary costs, cause frustration for both payors and payees.
Setting up systems to deliver payments for things such as incentives and rewards, rebates, insurance claims, legal settlements or health care patient refunds can create managerial headaches and expenses. Manual payments must be generated, tracked and…