Two Kansas City projects receiving incentives sold last year for millions beyond what was envisioned by the agencies granting the abatements. The sellers walk away with a much greater return than expected, the buyer gets the profit-boosting benefit of the remaining incentive period, and the affected taxing jurisdictions see no immediate benefit.
An expanding Minnesota-based window and door maker may pursue its next manufacturing facility in the Scannell 435 Logistics Center in Wyandotte County. A Unified Government committee next week is scheduled to consider the company's request for a $10.1 million local incentive package.
With Kansas City International Airport's new terminal now up and running, officials are preparing to tear down the old facilities they replaced after over 50 years in operation.
Demolition of the now-former Terminals B and C at KCI (Code: MCI) has been part of the new terminal project's $1.5 billion scope of work for Maryland-based developer Edgemoor Infrastructure & Real Estate LLC and design-build team Clark | Weitz | Clarkson.
Edgemoor recently began reviewing responses to a late January request…
More than 300 companies and 6,500 workers contributed to completion of Kansas City International Airport's $1.5 billion terminal on time and on budget after four years of construction, and years more of debate and planning. The new terminal will open Tuesday.
While Kansas City continues to pay millions of dollars a year to cover debt service on the Power & Light District, downtown backers say development attracted by the project is worth many times the cost.