Recently filed Kansas City plans suggest a 634,344-square-foot warehouse in the Northland could become one more prong of a manufacturing brand's national expansion.
Olathe Health envisions a two-story medical office building on a city corner tract that has remained vacant for the past 13 years. Its proposed Quivira Campus there could create upward of 65 jobs.
The design for Milhaus' seven-story apartment proposal in the Crossroads Arts District is meant to be simultaneously refined and authentic to the neighborhood.
The design for Milhaus' seven-story apartment proposal in the Crossroads Arts District is meant to be simultaneously refined and authentic to the neighborhood.
Tom Wagstaff said the reputation cattle and horse ranch property has been in his family for more than 60 years and stems from his late father's enjoyment of horseback riding.
With two years of construction completed and two to go, KCI's new terminal project has seen about 40% of its $1.5 billion budget invoiced and 22% of its total work hours completed.