Growing pains include a recent recall, supply issues and challenging new guidelines from the state. But aside from those growing pains, three local players still view the state as the gold standard in the industry for recreational use.
C2FO is keeping a close eye on its expenses as its continues pushing toward an initial public offering, so when revenue didn't meet expectations this year, it resulted in 80 people getting laid off. That reflects a 3% reduction in costs.
The Kansas City logistics operation took a straightforward approach to dealing with the pandemic's supply chain challenges: over-communicate, and do it well, which increases client loyalty, which drives referrals. It was enough to deliver the No. 38 spot on the Fast 50.
A Blue Springs woman claims she endured financial damages and emotional distress after a luxury car dealership didn't procure a title on her BMW for more than a year. The snag prevented her from pursuing a lower-rate loan and led to being pulled over by law enforcement.